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3 Degree Health Program - The McKenzie Clinic

3 Degree Health Program

The three main causes of mortality are cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer, and Alzheimer's. All are linked to lifestyle factors such as poor diet and exercise. 3 Degree Health is an evidence based approach aiming to treat and reverse lifestyle based metabolic conditions combining physiotherapy, exercise physiology and nutrition allowing people to live longer and healthier lives.

We offer programs to support your return to healthy movement & nutrition. No matter how complex your health needs are, we have a series of specific programs to suit.

Exercise Physiologist
Bond University - Faculty of Health Sciences & Medicine
University of Sydney

Who can benefit from our
3 Degree Health lifestyle program?

Those aiming to better manage common health conditions such as Type 2 Diabetes, raised blood pressure, elevated blood lipids etc will benefit from this program. Those recovering from life events such as menopause, cancer treatments and cardiovascular complications will also benefit.

Specific Lifestyle Services

Metabolic Health

Been diagnosed with high blood pressure, high triglycerides, central obesity or had a cardiovascular event? Changing lifestyle habits can help control these conditions.

Metabolic Health

Learn how to manage your diet and exercise better to help reduce your risk of further complications such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and kidney disease.

Preventative Health

Gained too much weight over the last few years and want to avoid any conditions associated with this, this program can help you.

Preventative Health

Learn how to avoid these common pitfalls with a preventative health, diet and exercise program.

Type 2 Diabetes

Just been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes? Exercise and nutrition can help manage and reverse this condition.

Type 2 Diabetes

Learn what it takes to turn this diagnosis around. Implement life saving lifestyle changes from the best food choices to movement and exercise. Doing it in a safe and supported environment.


As we get older its hard to hold on to our muscle mass and strength eating well and exercising can get you back on track.


Find out how to best maintain and increase your muscle mass with suitable strength training and food choices. Making sustainable & life changing choices.

Post Menopause

Weight gain for females post menopause is all too common, come and do this program and let me show you how to lose it for good.

Post Menopause

Learn how to avoid these common pitfalls with a preventative health, diet and exercise program.

Post Cancer

Maintaining a healthy weight post cancer treatment is incredibly important, come and speak to an expert about how to eat and exercise following treatment.

Post Cancer

elevating mood, reducing anxiety, improving sleep, boosting energy, whilst helping reduce the symptoms of treatment-related side effects and reducing the risk of reoccurrence.

Is our 3 Degree Health
lifestyle program right for you?

What conditions do I treat?

Whilst the program is good for many conditions, it has been specifically designed to assist with;

- Cardiometabolic Health Conditions
- Menopause
- Type 2 diabetes
- Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
- NAFLD (Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease)
- High triglycerides
- Central obesity
- Cardiovascular disease
- Post cancer treatment
- Sarcopeania

I am worried about being judged around weight management.

This is completely normal. When it comes to improving people’s overall health through diet and exercise it should be FUN! I spend most of the treatment sessions swapping healthy, great tasting recipes and showing people how to exercise efficiently without the need for gruelling workouts.

Why do I need professional help with these conditions? Can’t I just do it by myself?

From my experience most people know the basics when it comes to weight loss. However when assessing people’s diet and exercise regimes it is the small, frequent mistakes people make that prevents progress over time. Fixing these allows people to enjoy their food and not feel restricted all the time.